The Ultimate Outdoor Pet Photography Workshop: Mastering Portraiture and Action

“Pet photography is a lot like portrait photography – except your subject can’t understand you, doesn’t know what a camera or a photo is, and there’s a chance they might scratch, lick, or drool on you. In other words, it can be very challenging.

SIGMA Ambassador Anabel DFlux has spent her career mastering the art of pet photography. From choosing the right camera settings to directing humans and animals simultaneously, she knows what it takes to capture perfect pictures of her clients and their pets - And she can teach you what it takes, too. You’ll learn everything from portraiture, dynamic action shots, controlling natural light, and managing animals (and their people!) during a photo shoot.

Remember to bring your camera! SIGMA lenses will be available to loan during this workshop”

Anabel's social -

Anabel's Work -

Location: TBD - Will only be sent to workshop registrants

Cost: $195 + Tax

What to bring: Your camera & lenses. Sigma lenses will be available for loan during this workshop.

Sign Up Link Coming Soon!